The Spiel halls open in:
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Welcome to the "Essen Geek" tool website. The origins of this too date back to the months before the "Internationale Spieltage Essen 2011" where I became overwhelmed with the list of announced games over at BoardGameGeek. Even though that list was but a fraction of the whole mass of games presented at "SPIEL" I found it difficult to keep track of what I was interested in and (even more so) what I had already evaluated and dismissed. So I began to write myself a small web script that fetched that list and allowed me to mark and comment each entry.

When SPIEL 2012 approached and BGG opened their new preview list I asked around if anyone else would be interested in such a tool. Several folks replied and I began to overhaul my scripts and extend them to allow multiple users to use it. I then converted all the existing functionality and have been adding new features ever since.

For now the available features are:


Tremendous thanks to Stu Nicholls for creating the menu and his generous help to get it working for my IOS users.

This page uses the FamFamFam Silk icons under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license.

Change Log

  • The printable booth list now has customization options to select which priorities should be included, as well as the position of the personal notes.
  • Issue #9 The printable games list now has customization options to select which priorities should be included, as well as the position of the personal notes.
  • Issue #14 Added language hints to the printable booth list. NOTE: It is possible that the list will display languages that are not actually available at the respective booths. The BGG API does not allow me to read the exact version/edition from the official list. Thus I have to search the database for all editions/versions from that publisher. This can lead to false positives due to earlier editions in more languages than the current one.
  • Issue #15 Implemented self-service password reset functionality for all users with an email address in their profile.
  • Condensed menu. All user related actions such as login, logout, registration and user profile are now under a combined heading "User".
  • Updated the registration form to require an email and have some kind or standards for all three inputs.
  • Issue #12 When saving the games list, you will now be brought back to the same item (list index, not necessarilyt the same game) as you clicked "save" on.
  • Issue #13 When writing a new note for a booth with an existing note, the new note will now be appended to the existing one.
  • Issue #14 Added language hint to edit games list. (The other pages will follow.) NOTE: It is possible that the list will display languages that are not actually available at the respective booths. The BGG API does not allow me to read the exact version/edition from the official list. Thus I have to search the database for all editions/versions from that publisher. This can lead to false positives due to earlier editions in more languages than the current one.
  • Fixed how expansion votes are counted on the stats page.
  • Fixed reset link urls
  • Added basic profile page to change password and connect email address (for future self service password reset).
  • Improved countdown and menu handling to simplify switching to the new year.
  • Added list of publishers without booths to the editable booth list.
  • Added support for multi-part booth maps.
  • Resized booth maps to better fit A-sized papers.
  • Added notice to editable booth list to remind users that this information is shared.
  • Added statistics of previous years.
  • Added number of active users per year to statistics.
  • Added publisher data to printable booth list. (Only the publishers of the games on your list.)
  • Added voting and administration to ticketing system.
  • Added backlinks to the geeklist items.
  • Login and register forms now autofocus on browsers that understand this HTML5 attribute.
  • Edit games page is now one big form. Click any "save" button to save all your changes. This update unfortunately also removes the ability to continue in a list where you saved from. Also if you do not select a priority or one of the skip or ignore toggle buttons then the game will remain "unrated".
  • If Javascript is enabled then any row you edit will be marked with a red dotted outline
  • Added yet another menu that should finally work on ISomething devices.
  • Added voting for features.
  • Added tag-stripping to ticket comments
  • Prepared menu items for 2013. Also created dedicated menu items for current year.
  • Added a countdown to SPIEL 2013.
  • Added new menu that should also work on ISomething devices.
  • Added a rudimentary bug report and feature request system.
  • Corrected broken characters like Umlauts and the Euro symbol in game notes.
  • Corrected the wrong game count in the quickmenu of the printable games list.
  • Added buttons to bulk edit games.
  • Finished inputting 2012 hall maps.
  • Added a Sitemap page that should allow all ISomething users to more easily navigate the site.
  • Separated basegames and expansions in "favorite games" statistics.
  • Displaying longer lists in the "favorite games" and "favorite expansions" statistics.
  • Prevented wide images in the printable games list from tearing the whole view apart.
  • Enabled hall map feature for everyone (Only works with year 2011 due to lack of current hall map images)
  • Prevented wide images in the editable games list from tearing the whole view apart.
  • Corrected a bug where a game would vanish from the list if it has been evaluated in a different year already.
  • Corrected a bug where a game from a different year would appear in the printable booth list.
  • Corrected a bug where the printable booth list would only show my evaluations.
  • Corrected encoding issues.
  • Editable document "Booth list" now sorted by Publisher name like BGG Preview and Spielbox list.
  • Added links to the BGG Preview and Spielbox lists.
  • Added print view with publisher and booth information.
    • Ignored games are not included. Skipped and unrated ones are.
    • Also included are all publishers connected with the game and their booth information. Note that the listed publishers might not necessarily be presenting that game at Essen. ATM I have the data about which company has published which games and at what booth a publisher will be located. The list displays an aggregation of that and nothing more. I'll try to correct that at some point.
  • Changed the edit view to make better use of screen widths.
  • Changed navigation to three levels
  • Added a printable "Booth list" that contains every booth where the user has games to check out.
  • Added various improvements for printing such as hiding unnecessary elements and making the documents to narrower so they better fit a paper page.
    • Priority and Preordered now share a column.
    • Publishers are only listed in the "Games list" when a booth number is known.
    • Publishers in the "Games list" now share the "Name & Stats" column.
    • "Games list" document has a reduced font size when printing.
  • Added barebones password reset mechanism.
  • Added publishers to imported data.
  • Added shared editable booth list.
  • Corrected encoding during import. Games with exotic names should now display correctly after the next import.
  • Added number of tracked games to statistics.
  • Added alternating row styles
  • Added more information for favorite games
    • Added points given by members
    • Added number of members who want to check out the game
    • Added a link to the current year's list
  • Jump from the list summary directly to the first item of that priority.
  • One person evaluating a game will no longer hide it from other's lists
  • Fixed broken links to BGG
  • Added more information to the list
    • # of players
    • playing time
    • recommended age
    • whether or not it is an expansion
  • Added a button to reset all skipped games.
  • Added two buttons to quickly ignore and skip a game.
  • Registration working
  • Login working
  • Editing lists working
  • Security upgrades
  • A few first statistics

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